
1- Connect with me and make a project/service request.

2- Schedule and hold a free, no obligation consultation to discuss what you are looking for and want to get out of the project/service you request.

3-I will send you an estimate with several alternative options with different prices to company for your approval and acceptance, if both parties choose to proceed.

4. Service contract will be rendered and reviewed by both parties, signed, and have a deposit placed down, before proceeding with project. If work is estimated to be a value greater than $100.00+ usd.

4b. If contract is deemed unnecessary, project will proceed, upon acceptance of deposit.

5. Construction of requested item will be conducted, with regular updates made to the client upon clients approval and preference.

6. Product with be be delivered in accordance with the prearranged availability, method, and location, that works for both parties.

7. Remaining balance will be paid and resolved during the delivery process and final invoice will be rendered. (If client doesn’t request it sooner)